Efficient Heat Pump Solutions for Your Family's Comfort

Discover the benefits of modern heat pump technology with Hanes Mechanical. Our heat pumps provide efficient heating and cooling for your home, ensuring year-round comfort in a cost-effective way. Let our family help yours enjoy cleaner air and a more comfortable living environment with our expert installation and maintenance services.

Get In Touch

Advanced Heat Pump Installations

Upgrade to a high-efficiency heat pump and experience the difference in comfort and savings. At Hanes Mechanical, we specialize in the latest heat pump technology that heats and cools your home more efficiently than traditional HVAC systems. Our skilled technicians will assess your home’s needs and install the perfect system that balances performance and energy use. Enjoy lower utility bills and enhanced indoor air quality with a solution tailored just for you.

See What Our Customers Are Saying

We know we’re the best at bringing top-notch service to your doorstep, but we don’t expect you to just take our word for it. Check out our reviews to find out why our customers keep coming back.

Commercial HVAC Maintenance in Lancaster, PA - What Our Customers Are Saying

We know we’re the best at bringing top-notch service to your doorstep, but we don’t expect you to just take our word for it. Check out our reviews to find out why our customers keep coming back.

Year-Round Comfort with Reliable Heat Pumps

Heat pumps are an ideal solution for maintaining comfortable temperatures throughout the seasons. Whether it’s the middle of winter or the peak of summer, our heat pumps provide reliable climate control. Hanes Mechanical ensures your system is installed correctly and running efficiently, with regular maintenance checks and quick repairs when needed.

4 Step Process

Step Process for “Getting Started”

Connect With Us!

Give us a call or fill out a form, and we’ll arrange a convenient time for an inspection.

Get a Free Inspection

Let our professionals assess your situation and diagnose any problems you may have.

Schedule Your Service

Let our professionals assess your situation and diagnose any problems you may have.

Seal the Deal

Together, we’ll finalize the details and agree on the best time to kick off your project!

Eco-Friendly Heating and Cooling

Regular maintenance is key to the longevity and efficiency of your heating system. At Hanes Mechanical, we offer comprehensive maintenance services that not only fix immediate issues but also prevent future problems. Our maintenance checks include system inspections, filter replacements, and efficiency assessments, helping you save on energy costs and enjoy a comfortably heated home throughout the season.

Serving Lancaster County & Surrounding Areas

HVAC Services

A full service HVAC company ready to help with repair, maintenance, and service of all brands of air conditioners, furnaces, heat pumps and all other HVAC equipment. We install Rheem heating and air conditioning equipment.

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

How does a heat pump work?
Heat pumps transfer heat rather than generating it from a fuel source, which makes them incredibly efficient for both heating and cooling your home.
Yes, heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact compared to traditional heating and cooling systems.
The initial cost can be higher than traditional systems, but the energy savings over time help offset the upfront expenses.
We recommend checking your heat pump at least once a year, with periodic checks to ensure optimal performance.
Absolutely, heat pumps are capable of providing efficient heating and cooling, making them perfect replacements for both older furnaces and air conditioners.